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Tony Stringer


I have been meditating and in a conscious state of self enquiry for over 27 years, I believe there are many routes to a deeper connection and understanding of oneself, I personally could not have got so far without meditation being part of my journey.

I have a long connection with Sophie and Bonhays, joining one of her intuitive massage courses 23 years ago. I went on to see her individually and joined one of her groups, a group that has been meeting twice a year for 17 years. Sophie has played a vital part in helping me with my explorations and understandings.

My career for the last 28 years has been as a designer.  I have spent most of the last six years updating and co-directing Bonhays with Sophie, now as we can relax a little I am beginning to return to meditation and, with the opportunity of Sophie's excellent teaching, have begun the Nei Gong journey...

Tony Stringer